There are many diffrent ways to get EXP all of which are listed below, have fun.
Spotting a typoIf you spot a typo send a PM to
The Gods,
Raina Aendryr or
Alvertis Delvium and you will be awarded 100 experiance points.
InvitingInviting your friends, family or total stranges will give you 250 experiance points but only if they join, you must PM
The Gods,
Raina Aendryr or
Alvertis Delvium with the character name of the person who joined and we will be checking
IdeasComing up with ideas that we like and can be added into the RP rather it be a new area, a new item, a new race or a plot idea will gain you 1000 experiance points, but we gotta like the idea so make it a good one!
BuyingBuying a t-shirt or other merchindise will give you a whopping 10000 experiance points for each item bought! WOW! (this feature not yet availible)